Astrology Lodestar

Western Astrology & East Asian Medicine Correspondences: East Meets West

western astrology & Chinese medicine
Astrology and Eastern Medicine

With Western Astrology and Asian Medicine, the ancient Silk Road between the East and West transcends into a modern, ether highway. It constantly exchanges information on science, art and medicine.   These 2 disciplines, share many common threads and complementary differences worth exploring.  

The Hippocratic Medicine of the early Greeks largely influenced western medical astrology’s evolution. As a result, it shares much with TCM.   The origins are unclear as to whether the Greeks influenced the Chinese or vice versa. But, most likely the Silk Road linked exchanges, weaving the east and west together more than most people realize.    

Overall, this article identifies and explains harmonic correlations between Western Astrology and East Asian Medicine. Moreover, this expands our scope of Western Astrology through East Asian Medicine and vice versa.  With the increase of individuals experiencing acupuncture and herbal medicine worldwide, bridging this medicine to western astrology will likely increase.    As a Western Astrologer and East Asian Medicine Practitioner, I connect these modalities in six key areas:  1) Holographic Paradigm, 2) 4 vs 5 elements, 3) Yin Yang Balance, 4) Western Zodiacupuncture: 12 Signs/Planets and 12 Acupuncture Meridians,  5)  Planetary Aspects/Retrogrades and TCM Patterns 6) Acutonics® Planetary Tuning Forks, 7) and Plants to Planets.

Western Astrology and Asian Medicine – Holographic Paradigm

      “Heaven is covered with constellations, Earth with waterways, and man with channels.”  -Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine (黄帝内经, huang di nei jing)   

western astrology & Chinese medicine
Zodiac Man or Little World

East Asian Medicine is based on the holographic paradigm, that all parts contain the whole.  In short, each human body is a miniature universe.  Comparatively, the 12 meridians of East Asian Medicine match the constellations, with 365 points equaling days in the year.   For example, the qi mirrors the Sun’s annual journey through the Ecliptic–meaning its apparent path on the celestial sphere. Also, likewise, qi circulates in a network of 12 primary jing luo (經络) AKA meridians. 

 In Western Astrology the origination of Zodiac Man dates back to the Middle Ages. His body divides up into regions like our Mother Earth, referring to man as a “little world.”  Medical Astrology interprets the human anatomy as a microcosm of our universe. The zodiac signs and planets correspond to organs and body parts.    

Western Astrology and East Asian Medicine Elements: 

Western Astrology 4 Elements

Cardinal Fixed Mutable
Fire-Yang Aries / Mars Leo / Sun Sagittarius / Jupiter
Earth-Yin Capricorn / Saturn 
Taurus / Earth Virgo / Asteroids
Air-Yang Libra / Venus Aquarius / Uranus Gemini / Mercury
 Cancer / Moon Scorpio / Pluto Pisces / Neptune

East Asian Medicine and 5 Elements

Elements     Season             Yin Organ         Yang Organ            Emotion

Wood          Spring                  Liver                 Gallbladder               Anger    

Fire             Summer               Heart                Small Intestine             Joy
Pericardium Triple Burner

Earth          Late Summer      Spleen               Stomach                    Worry

Metal           Autumn                Lung                  Large Intestine           Grief

Water             Winter                 Kidney               Bladder                        Fear

In comparing the element dynamics of the 2 systems, an obvious difference is the number of elements.  Both East Asian and Ayurvedic Medicine have 5 elements. Furthermore, they share the 3 elements of fire, earth and water in common with western astrology.  These elements share similar traits in both the East and Western counterparts.   The East Asian metal element is similar in character to the air in the West.  Both encompass profile traits of the me(n)tal and intellectual aspects within ourselves, corresponding with the lung and its health imbalances. 

The extra element is the wood as the Chinese element of spring. Moreover, it associates with the yin organ, Liver and its yang-paired organ, the Gallbladder.  There is a similarity of Wood to Aries/Mars, both associated with spring growth and bold traits of independent starters and the emotion, anger.  

East & West: Different Perspectives on Emotions

Another difference in East Asian Medicine is their cultural perspective on emotional correspondences to the elements.  With the exception of joy, from the western perspective, the other 4 emotions of anger, worry, grief and fear are considered ‘negative’ to most individuals.  In contrast, East Asian Medicine considers the emotions as a source of disharmony with neutral connotations. 

Thus, all emotions have their place in healthy individuals and should be expressed in a balanced way to maintain health.  Even too much joy can be a source of disharmony. Some organs are in different elements when comparing systems. For example, in East Asian Medicine Virgo’s small intestine is the fire element and earth in astrology.  

Yin-Yang Balance of East Asian Medicine

The foundation of East Asian Medicine is based on Taoism, an organic philosophy derived from observing the patterns of nature.  The Tao is the divine path or way through the flow of the Universe.  Through the Tao, one senses the yin and yang’s opposing, cosmic forces as interdependent balance for well-being.  Health is embodied through balance of the yin and yang forces.  The organs and associated meridians are organized into pairs of yin (solid) organs and yang (hollow) organs. Overall, each assigns to one of the 5 elements, as shown in the diagram. 

In western astrology, the zodiac signs are considered negative (yin) and positive (yang) energies.  The odd numbers (fire and air elements) in the zodiac are yang: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.  In contrast, the even numbers (earth and water elements) in the zodiac are yin:  Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.   I consider the moon’s south node as yin and north node as yang.

Western Zodiacupuncture: 12 Signs/Constellations and Acupuncture Meridians, 365 Acu-points/days

The number 12 is a common thread in Western Astrology and East Asian Medicine. It’s both the number of signs/planets and principle Chinese meridians.  The 12 meridians are pathways in the body connected to our organs and emotions, where our qi or life force flows.  Furthermore, these meridians connect the physical and energetic bodies, where the qi transforms the material into energy and vice versa.   As aforementioned, the 12 meridians matched the constellations, with 365 points equaling days in the year.  [Just a note on Chinese Astrology, in that the emphasis is on a calendar with the zodiac operating on cycles of years, months and hours of the day.] 

Here are the meridians listed in order of the East Asian Meridian Clock’s qi circulation or energetic biorhythm.  The 24 hour clock is divided into 12 two hour intervals of the qi moving through the organ system.  Moreover, I matched each meridian with a corresponding western zodiac sign.  The qi circulation through the Chinese meridians flows in a different order, than the western zodiac path. It flows from head (Aries) to feet (Pisces).    8 of the 12 (in bold) translate into clear correspondences.  However, the Large Intestine, Spleen, Pericardium, and Triple Burner Meridians need explanation. So, I will elaborate in this section, reminding us that we are considering 2 different systems.   

East Asian Meridian Clock Correspondences with Western Zodiac

Time              TCM Organ/                             Western                    Western
Meridian Zodiac Sign Organ/Body

3-5 am            Lung-Yin                                    Gemini                       Lung

5-7 am            Large Intestine-Yang               Aquarius                    Lung, Peripheral Circulation

7-9 am            Stomach-Yang                           Cancer                      Stomach

9-11 am           Spleen-Yin                                 Taurus                      Neck/Thyroid

11-1 pm          Heart-Yin                                     Leo                          Heart

1-3 pm            Small Intestine-Yang                 Virgo                        Small Intestine

3-5 pm            Bladder-Yang                             Scorpio                     Bladder

5-7 pm            Kidney-Yin                                  Libra                         Kidney

7-9 pm            Pericardium-Yin                          Aries                        Head, Brain, Blood

9-11 pm          Triple Burner-Yang                     Pisces                      Lymphatic/Immune System

11-1 am          Gallbladder-Yang                      Capricorn                 Gallbladder, skeletal system

1-3 am             Liver-Yin                                    Sagittarius                 Liver

Lung-LU Meridian (yin/Metal)   3-5 am   Sign: Gemini-Air 

In western astrology, Gemini rules both the hands and lungs. The lung meridian travels from the lungs to front of shoulders and down the arms and out the thumbs.  Both the western (air) lungs and the eastern (metal) lungs correlate to cerebral and rational aspects of our personality.  

The lung’s acupuncture points treat many lung conditions: cold, asthma, cough, bronchitis, and shortness of breath.   In TCM the emotion, grief and sadness, corresponds to the lungs. Furthermore, this recognizes that emotional imbalances may lead to chronic lung issues, such as, bronchitis or pneumonia.   The Lung’s Spirit in TCM is the Po, our power to let go.  When individuals hold on to grief without letting go, lung issues may persist till treatment or the grieving process completed.   This awareness expands western medical astrology’s understanding of Mercury, Uranus and the lungs regarding health and well-being in the astrology chart.

Large Intestine-LI Meridian (yang/Metal) 5-7 am  Sign: Aquarius-Air

The LI needs explanation from a East Asian Medicine point of view to validate its correspondence to Aquarius.  Because the LI is the yang-paired organ to the lung, it treats many lung issues shared with Aquarius, such as, cough, asthma, cold, immunity, and sinuses. 

A significant point indicated for the respiratory, immune and peripheral vascular systems is LI-4, “Union Valley” on the hand.  As a me(n)tal element, this meridian connects to cerebral/mental issues similar to the air element in Astrology. The name for the LI channel is “Bright Yang.” Also, this describes the Aquarian ruler, Uranus, the planet of electrical light and voltage.

Stomach-ST Meridian (Yang/Earth) 7-9 am    Sign: Cancer-Water 

In Medical Astrology, the moon rules the stomach, breasts and ovaries. Likewise, in TCM, the stomach meridian passes over the nipples, stomach and ovaries moving down the legs and out the second toes.

An acupuncture point named “Leg Three Miles” strengthens the immune system and affects fluids. Also, this links it to the Western Astrology moon, connected to the lymphatic system and immunity.  TCM’s stomach and the astrological moon both relate to food, early digestion and food allergies.   

Spleen-SP Meridian (Yin/Earth)  9-11 am  Sign: Taurus  

The spleen organ from a East Asian Medicine perspective is significantly different than the spleen’s functions in western anatomy.   In East Asian Medicine, the spleen regulates metabolism, energy and cognitive abilities.  The spleen is the yin earth element, at the center of the body or cosmos and in astrology Taurus is the yin earth element. 

The similarities of East Asian Medicine’s spleen and Astrology’s Taurus are best explained by their common definitions of their earth elements. For instance, both associate with qualities of practicality, patience, hard work, stability, and stubbornness. 

East Asian Medicine doesn’t acknowledge the thyroid gland. However, the Spleen’s bodily functions are similar to the thyroid defined in western anatomy, ruled by Taurus in astrology.  Hypo-thyroid symptoms include lethargy, lack of appetite, weight gain and impaired cognitive functioning, all patterns of a spleen deficiency.  Additionally, the salivary glands/saliva and sense of taste associate with the spleen in East Asian Medicine and Taurus in astrology.  In Hippocratic Medicine, the humor of the spleen was the earth element. 

Heart-HT Meridian (Yin/Fire) 11 am-1 pm     Sign: Leo-Fire

This meridian and sign shares many common positive characteristics to the element fire: creative, bold, energetic, and generous.  When the heart is out of balance in East Asian Medicine, the symptoms may include anxiety, insomnia, speech problems and inappropriate laughter; whereas in astrology, the shadow side of Leo may display narcissism.    In Astrology, the sun rules the heart.  Interestingly, the heart meridian runs from the chest down the inside of both arms, the location where pain strikes on the left side, when having a heart attack. 

Both systems connect the heart with royalty.  In Astrology, the sun rules Leo, the Lion and king of the jungle and relates to royalty in general.  In TCM, the heart is the Emperor of the body, as the center of command for all the organs (all organs are classified as different officials).   By knowing about the heart’s spirit called the Shen, astrologers can expand their understanding of issues related to the Sun ruling Leo.  The state of Shen is visible in the eyes and heard in the speech.  When the Shen is healthy it produces bright, shining eyes and clear speech.  When disturbed, for example, after a shock, the eyes become dull, with no presence. Also, speech may be incoherent or interspersed with nervous laughter. 

Small Intestine-SI Meridian (Yang/Fire) 1-3 pm   Sign: Virgo-Earth

In East Asian Medicine the Small Intestine is considered the Receiving Official, in charge of separating the pure from the impure.  This correlates to the western functions of the SI, in that it digests and absorbs our food, then discharges the waste to the Large Intestine.  

In Astrology, Virgo is the sign of purity, perfectionism and analysis, as an earth element.   An inconsistency in East Asian Medicine is it is paired as the yang counterpart to the heart as a fire element and earth in astrology.  

Bladder-UB Meridian (Yang/Water) 3-5 pm  Sign: Scorpio-Water

In East Asian Medicine, the bladder’s element is water, and in Western Astrology the bladder is associated with Scorpio also as the water element.  According to Evolutionary Astrology, Pluto/Scorpio represents the subconscious mind and our archive of past life memories. 

Similarly, the bladder meridian has esoteric acupuncture points on the back, such as, UB 43- “Vital Spirit,” needled as an access gate to release past life memories and emotions stored in the body.  

Kidney-KD Meridian (Yin/Water) 5-7 pm   Sign:  Libra-Air

The kidney functions defined by East Asian Medicine largely reflect western astrology’s Libra corresponding to the kidneys.  The kidneys are considered the creator and storehouse for our yin and yang.  They also store the Jing or essence, which many would analogize to our ancestral DNA.  This is the foundation from which the essence of East Asian Medicine is based, with the balance of yin and yang as the pathway to health. 

In Astrology, the western horizon or equinox of Libra is when the day and night are equal and we are in harmonious balance.  The quest of Libra (Scales) or its ruler, Venus, are to find the harmonic balance of equality through our relationships with others. In Western Medical Astrology, Venus also rules our acid/alkaline pH balance and estrogen levels.   Likewise, in TCM the kidneys are the source of imbalances related to the menstrual cycle and menopause, connected to our Jing or essence. 

Pericardium or Circulation Sex-PC Meridian (Yin/Fire) 7-9 pm  Sign:  Aries-Fire

In Astrology, the fire sign Aries, ruled by Mars relates to our inner warrior traits, along with our head, blood (anemia), energy levels, sex and anger.  In western anatomy the Pericardium is considered a sac, covering the heart, protecting it from infections.  Similarly in TCM, the Pericardium is regarded as the “Protector of the Heart.”

The Pericardium shares the fire element and many health and emotional conditions with Mars in astrology related to the brain, blood issues, blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, anger and sex.  The Pericardium meridian is known as the ‘Circulation Sex’ because it controls the lubrication or facilitation of sexual organs.

Triple Burner-TB Meridian, (Yang/Fire)  9-11 pm  Sign: Pisces-Water

The Triple Burner organ system is unique to East Asian Medicine.  Many East Asian Medicine practitioners consider the Lymphatic System as part of the Triple Burner.   In medical astrology, Pisces corresponds with the lymphatic/immune system.  The Triple Burner divides our body’s microcosm of heaven, human and earth into 3 cavities: thorax, abdomen and pelvis. Also, it regulates the heat and protection of the body from infections.  

Modern research validates points along its meridian for enhancing the immune system: TB-5 “Outer Gate” is a protocol point for fighting colds and other infections.  TCM refers to this organ as the “Irrigation Official,” in control of the water passages, which corresponds to the Piscean water element.  The Triple Burner meridian travels up the arm and front of the neck, over the lymph glands that swell from infections.  

The TB is a fire element, but the points along it are cooling and clear heat, as the fire is believed to control water.   It’s interesting to note the theory of the Taoist, Liu Zi Jue, in that each of the 5 elements has its own exhalation or its own sound.  The sixth sound (“Heeeee”) of the Triple Burner, integrates the vibrations and potential of the other five sounds and elements.  This mirrors the all-encompassing notion of Pisces as the last zodiac sign corresponding to transcendence and universality of all zodiac signs. 

Gallbladder-GB Meridian (Yang/Wood) 11-1 am Sign:  Capricorn-Earth

In East Asian Medicine, the Gallbladder is the yang counterpart to the Liver, ruling courage and considered the Official of Decision-making and Wise Judgement.    This shares many of the characteristics of Capricorn in astrology, as the practical sign associated with goal setting, responsibility and planning with the shadow for being overly judgmental. 

With Capricorn, there is potential for rigidity of judgement that can potentially harden into gallstones and blocks in the GB meridian.  In Dr. Cornell’s classic book on Medical Astrology, he associates the Gallbladder and gallstones with Capricorn and Saturn.  

Liver-LV Meridian (Yin/Wood) 1-3 am        Sign: Sagittarius-Fire

western astrology & Chinese medicine

This meridian travels from the liver down the thighs (ruled by Sagittarius) and legs, out the big toes.   Both East Asian Medicine’s Liver and the Sagitarian ruled liver have expansive roles in the temperament and body.  In astrology, for instance, Sagittarian traits are being independent, adventurous, and spiritual with wanderlust.  In East Asian Medicine, just as trees (wood) unrelentingly grow upward to the light, the liver represents the natural drive of the body/mind to spread outward. 

Furthermore, individual with strong liver qi and blood are usually good strategic planners and decision makers.  As an official, the liver is the General setting strategies for action.  However, when the liver qi is stagnant, symptoms of irritability, frustration and anger may arise.  Also, ancient Greek Medicine viewed the humor, yellow bile, and temperament as ambitious, restless and easily angered.  Likewise, in English, both ‘gall’ and ‘liverish’ describe a person being agitated or irritable.

Other Correspondences of Paired Meridians and Zodiac Circle

In the East Asian Clock after the first 2 paired organs, beginning with Heart/Small Intestine their matched zodiac signs of each pair are adjacent to each other in the zodiac circle.  For example, Heart and Small Intestine correspond with the adjacent signs Leo and Virgo.  And the same goes for Bladder and Kidney with Scorpio and Libra; Pericardium and Triple Burner with Aries and Pisces; and Gallbladder and Liver with Capricorn and Sagittarius. 

North and South Nodes Equate TCM’s Conception and Governor Vessels

Microcosmic Orbit

 Whereas, the 12 principle Chinese Meridians are called the “Ordinary Meridians.” Also, there are 8 “Extraordinary Meridians.” 2 are unique, with their own acupuncture points:  Conception Vessel (CV) and Governor Vessel (GV).  Moreover, the CV is named the “Sea of Yin” connecting all the yin channels in the body. 

Firstly, it begins in the perineum, flowing up the front midline and ends in the mouth.  I correspond the CV to the karma of the moon’s South Node (yin) or “Dragon’s Tail” in astrology. The GV is referred to as the “Sea of Yang,” connecting all of the yang channels.  It arises from the perineum flowing up the center of the back through the spine, neck and over the head, ending in the mouth, connecting with the Conception Vessel. 

Extraordinary Meridians

 Whereas, the 12 principle Chinese Meridians are called the “Ordinary Meridians.” Also, there are 8 “Extraordinary Meridians.” 2 are unique, with their own acupuncture points:  Conception Vessel (CV) and Governor Vessel (GV).  Moreover, the CV is named the “Sea of Yin” connecting all the yin channels in the body. 

Firstly, it begins in the perineum, flowing up the front midline and ends in the mouth.  I correspond the CV to the karma of the moon’s South Node (yin) or “Dragon’s Tail” in astrology. The GV is referred to as the “Sea of Yang,” connecting all of the yang channels.  It arises from the perineum flowing up the center of the back through the spine, neck and over the head, ending in the mouth, connecting with the Conception Vessel. 

I correspond the GV with the futuristic Dharma of the moon’s North Node or “Dragon’s Head.”   Many sources say the Conception Vessel originates in the uterus. In contrast, the Governor Vessel point, “Hundred Convergences,” is the exit point for the spirit during physical death, out the crown chakra on the top of the head.  The connection between CV-1 in  Microcosmic Orbit with the perineum and GV-20 on the crown chakra is a central axis between heaven and earth, corresponding to the nodal axis of the North and South Nodes in astrology.  Also, there’s a qi gong meditation exercise called Microcosmic Orbit (see picture), where one focuses on the qi circulating through the CV and DV channels. Moreover, this orbit represents the moon’s orbital path around earth.    

Western Astrology and East Asian Medicine – Planetary Aspects/Retrogrades and East Asian Patterns

As a practitioner of both Western Astrology and East Asian Medicine, I utilize the astrology chart to supplement my TCM diagnosis.  The best way to explain this is through some examples.  Challenging aspects (conjunctions, squares and oppositions) in the natal chart or transits from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto with the faster moving planets or through zodiac signs can affect their ruling organs and meridians.  For example, if Neptune is conjunct Saturn, I may do an acupuncture protocol to strengthen the immune system.  If a patient has the moon in Aries, a fire sign, in the sixth house, I look for symptoms of potentially stomach heat and suggest dietary and herbal remedies along with acupuncture accordingly. 

Mercury Retrograde may indicate the lung qi going in the wrong direction, leading to symptoms, such as, cough or shortness of breath.   For western astrologers, to at be aware of the TCM paired organs is helpful.  For example, a patient with Leo (ruling Heart) rising has anxiety and digestion problems.  By looking at the paired organ to the Heart (anxiety in TCM) as the Small Intestine, you could investigate the possibility of the digestion issues being with the Small intestine, for example, as Celiac or SIBO (Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth).

Western Astrology and East Asian Medicine – Acutonics® Planetary Tuning Forks

“Sound is the Medicine of the Future”-Edgar Cayce 

western astrology & Chinese Medicine
Acutonics Tuning Forks – Integrates Western Astrology and Asian Medicine

Acutonics is a modern development of Harmonic Medicine, that integrates Western astrology and East Asian Medicine with Sound Healing.  It utilizes tuning forks with frequencies of the sun, moon and planets.  These frequencies are based on Kepler’s calculations of planetary velocities. Furthermore, in the 20th century, Hans Cousto, translated these velocities into musical tones. These are the foundation for Acutonics’ Harmonic Medicine. 

Specifically, they are applied to acupuncture points or chakras, as portals to the inner matrix of meridian pathways or core energetic system.   Overall, this healing alchemy brings the Music of the Spheres to Earth, harmonizing the celestial bodies with our own.  Also, the informative book, Acutonics: From Galaxies to Cells, co-authored by Donna Carey and others explains in depth this multi-dimensional, cohesive system.

Western Astrology and Asian Medicine – Plants and Planets

western astrology & Chinese medicine

 In East Asian Medicine, the Herbal Materia Medica is the ‘yin’ counterpart to the ‘yang’ of Acupuncture. Most importantly, it’s arguably the most sophisticated herbal system in the world, comprising thousands of concoctions from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. During the 17th century the Astrological Botanist, Nicholas Culpeper, wrote his renowned book, The English Physitian and the Complete Herbal. It corresponds hundreds of medicinal herbs to the planets and astrological influences. 

Both East Asian Medicine and western Medical Astrology assign herbs according to their physical properties, such as, hot, cold, wet and dry. Also, both prescribe them with an allopathic intent for balance.  For example, if an individual has Lung heat, both medicines may use Honeysuckle (Jin Yin Hua) for its cooling properties to treat asthma, cough or sore throat.  In addition, both systems assign herbs according to the organ that they treat. Also, in astrology the organs correspond to zodiac signs and planets. 

Culpeper’s Astrology and Asian Herbs

Most noteworthy, examples of astrological herbs from Culpeper’s books, that are also Chinese Herbs include the following:  Mugwort/Venus, Mistletoe/Sun, Hawthorn/Mars, Dandelion/Jupiter, Honeysuckle/Mercury, Mallows/Venus, Foxgloves/Venus, Licorice/Mercury, Plantain/Mars, and Rhubarb/Mars. 

To apply herbs astrologically, we must first know their properties (hot, cold, wet, dry) So, here are the planetary qualities: Saturn (cold and dry), Jupiter (hot and wet), Mars (very hot and dry), Sun (hot and dry), Venus (cold and wet), Mercury (assumes qualities of what it is with) and Moon (cold and wet).   Also, Culpeper’s based theories on the Hippocratic principles in ancient Greece. 

Overall, Western Astrology and Asian Medicine

In conclusion, Western Astrology and East Asian Medicine are two ancient disciplines, that co-evolved into a modern fulcrum, from which East meets West in healing and metaphysics.  My intention is to integrate the ‘yang’ western astrology with ‘yin’ East Asian Medicine, as a balanced approach offering the best from both worlds. 

Being a practitioner of both disciplines, I see the connections often and feel impelled to explain the synergy of integration.  Their connections most likely arose from the Silk Road, helping to inspire Hippocratic Medicine in ancient Greece and western astrology.  However, if we go back even further in time, we would most likely find that both these systems share the same ancient healing heritage with everything else in Shamanism.